Maasai Dog Collar

Maasai Dog Collar

£29.95 inc VAT

Aspiga Masai Dog Collar

This maasai dog collar is part of our collection of Aspiga dog accessoires and is copiously decorated with beads in bright summer shades. Featuring multiple colours including blacks, reds, blues and browns, these accessories are made in East Africa using traditional techniques.

As well as this maasai dog collar can see ther rest of our range of Aspiga dog accessories here and those from Barbour, here.

This decorative artform is a specialty of the Maasai whose homeland is known as the Maasai Mara. In political geography that is Kenya and Tanzania but they are fiercely independent and can be found generally in the lands around the African Great Lakes.   They mirated south several hundred years ago and thus their language is distinct from the rest of the population of the modern day countries. Being nomadic they have a difficult relationship with their government partly due to their ethnic background but also over traditional grazing rights.  But their culture is also significantly different with an age based heirarchical struture. Know as the Tall Tribe are also physically quite distinctive from their fellow countrymen.

You can learn more about Maasai beadwork and its cultural significance here or why not watch a video about decorating with beads here.