Captain Fawcett Grooming Scissors

Captain Fawcett Grooming Scissors

£18.50 inc VAT

Get srtaight to the point with these cutting edge scissors. Within the leather case, these scassors are great travel items – easily packed away (although not in hand luggage for flights !) the scissors are 100mm end to end.

Check our Moustache Maintenance and Pogonotorphic Preservation pages for other useful beard and moustache accessories.


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The Captain presents a fine pair of grooming scissors in a protective leather case making then universally useful. Enabling precision trimming of your top lip topiary and the easy removal of those errant Beard whiskers. Captain Fawcett’s Gentlemens Grooming scissors are sheathed in a beautifully crafted, natural vegetable dyed leather pouch and secured with a strap and brass capstan stud for safe storage and ease of transportation.